It is hard for parents to help their children learn any language if they do not speak it themselves. For parents who do not speak French and want their kids to learn the language, I compiled a list of how to help their tots boost their French.
Here are some common phrases in French for you to familiarize:
French | Pronunciation | English |
Oui/Non | whee/no | yes/no |
Nom et Prenom | Name and Surname | |
Monsieur | mohn-see-yuh | Sir |
S'il vous plaît | see voo play | Please |
Merci | mair-see | Thank you |
Merci Beaucoup | Mair-see boakoo | Thank you very much |
Pardon | pahrdon | Sorry |
Bonne nuit | bon nwee | Good Night |
Bonne chance | Bon shahnss | Good luck |
A bientôt | Ah byen-toh | See you soon |
A demain | Ah duh-main | See you tomorrow |
D’accord | Dah-kohr | OK |
Salut | sah-loo | Hi |
Ça va? | sah-vah | How's it going? |
Ça va bien | sah-vah-bee-en | I'm fine |
Je m'appelle... | zuh mah-pell... | My name is... |
J'habite à (Canada). | zah-beet ah (Canada). | I live in (Canada). |
Je suis un/une (étudiant). | zuh sweez uhn/oon (ay-too-dee-ahnt). | I am a (student). |
J'ai ___ ans. | zhay ___ahns. | I am ___ years old. |
Il y a | eel ee ah | There is |
Je t’aime | zhuh-tem | I love You |
Je (ne) comprends (pas) | zhe nhe comp-rehn pah | I (don't) understand |
J'ai besoin d'aide | zhay buh-swahn ded | I need help |
Excusez-moi | escoosay mwah | Excuse me |
Je (ne) sais (pas) | zhe-nhe say pah | I (don't) know |